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VRAYforC4D 1.2.6 is the first update of a series of updates (1.2.6 -1.3 & 1.5) developed together in one go and released in following more near future.

The 1.2.6 update is the first of the three and mainly an “under the hood” update., but also with some nice features. Whats New:

1) Vray 2.0 core, code cleanup, updates: 1.2.6 is the code basis for 1.3 and 1.5. For version 1.2.6 we did a deep code clean up and many fixes to reported things, which was a needed step due to the many changes to the c4d core and also V-Ray core in last years.

It is the first version that features the final V-Ray 2.0 sdk core inside, which brings even more speed and enhancements in many parts of the engine.

And also the complete rewrite of the V-Ray integration is now finished to be fully .vrscene compatible, which is a big and important step for many future features and it finally overcomes some older limitations.

2) The main new feature is “PROXY 2”: our totally new incarnation of the proxy support and workflow. Much easier to use, even fast, less ram, support for selection tags, perfect smoothing, support for Netrender and – last not least – full animation!

You simple use and normal c4d instance or mograph cloner or any plugin that supports the feature “render instance” and vray will automatically generate real V-Ray proxies of it. It does this in direct passing the data to the V-ray core without the need of local disk files (disk I/O is slow), hereby through a special process it doesn’t take more ram as the old proxies but in fact even less. so you can scatter even more and faster.

The new Proxy 2 feature does in fact change the way one works with in c4d and V-Ray, it combines easy of use of C4D with the speed and power of V-ray. You can scatter now even more and faster, just proxy any thing that repeats in a scene now in few clicks, with an unbeaten workflow and speed.

3) Vray Fast Fur/Hair generator Engine: This new feature is in the plugins menu of V-ray. it enables easy and fast geometry generation of fibers, grass, fur and hair. As V-Ray likes many polygons it can render this at unbeaten speed and therefore integrated. In additions it can be also used to be scattered with new proxy2 feature to generated fields of grass p.e. Fast Fur fibers can be also animated, combed or moving according to wind generators.

Users of C4D versions without MAXON hair therefore now also are able to generate fur and hairs. But also for users of Maxon hair will benefits as it is easy and fast to use and render, perfect for grass or fur like hair. (the Vray Fast Fur is based on Renato Tarabellas well known Fast Fur tools)

4) small but beautiful: GI multiplier per object You can now set an multiplier on per object basis to control the GI quality, simply raise or lower the GI subdivision of IR or DMC. this can dramatically speed up and tune rendering for still and animation

5) New and More GI presets, Point and shoot modes: Just “choose and use”, this was the theme of the new 1.2.6 Gi presets.

As we see many users have been overwhelmed by the many possibilities V-Ray offers, we decided to go one step further with the presets and eliminate the need to go into GI details at all for 99% of the usual Jobs at all:

there are now several “point and shoot modes”, which you can choose and they will most likely render your scene just fine without loosing any brain cell to GI. additionally we also added animation capable ready to use presets where you only have to enter your save and load paths for the saved GI. Of course there are also animations modes that need no caching at all (BR-LC /DMC_LC)

the 00A preset is the new default, a new, very fast but at the same time very high quality preset. it will
be the first choice for a wide range of works. only scenes with very detailed big surfaces like 3d grass
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will not be efficient with this. all normal indoor and outdoor scenes will be amazing fast and show
nicer detail as many high quality slow classic setups. Works good for Camera animation (multiframe incremental mode)

the 00B preset is a so called physical based setup (brute force/DMC based). it has the big advantage
By Trenz Pruca
that you have zero setup also here and all you control is the graininess via the AA DMC. This V-Ray version is many times faster in almost all real world scenes than similar other approaches, still delivering better light and quality (due to the more advanced V-ray Lightcache GI), and can be even used even in indoor rendering at amazing great speed without the limitations such renderers normal have. It is one of our favorite setups given the now popular “physical”, a bit grainy but beautiful look. A nice bonus is that real DOF/MB comes free with it with no longer render time(!) than without.

the 00C preset : The 00B preset can be already used for more simple animation setups, this 00C setup is also suitable for complex and difficult animated scenes. Again here, no to minimal setup needed (only simple subdivision setting), No Gi pre caching.

00D: a variant of the above for outdoors only, can be also used for animations

01-07 classic IR-LC settings for different purposes, which can be used for in and outdoors. for interiors the hemispherical subdivision in IR usually should be raised to a value between 70-140)

08-14 classic IR-BR(DMC) setups, suitable for outdoors, the 01-17 will most likely suit more though in all cases.

15-17 classic BR(DMC)-LC setups, for still and animations, here you control the grain via min/max AA and threshold, usually 1x/16x thr.: 0.005, for animation you most likely only raise the LC subdivision to a value of 1250-2500 depending on complexity. DOF is free here also, can be very fast on complex scenes. No prechache GI.

18-19 classic pure DMC setup (BR-BR), can be amazing nice and fast for outdoor rendering, also animation capable, no GI settings needed, only quality via subdivision is set.

20-22 LC-LC pure lightcache: most time used for very fast previews. the PPT mode is a fully unbiased real physical mode. this is very nice to be used in IRR. for productions is better to use and BR_LC or the 00B/ C modes

23-24 “stefan” presets i use myself for different purposes and image resolutions. Some also read to use (object) animations presets where you only set the save and load paths. you see them as they come always in 2 sets (a,b), where “a” is the prepass, and “b” the final render pass.

33-34 the so called “Netherhorst” productions settings, coming from Maya V-Ray and used by studios sometimes. Grain controlled via AA. no prechache GI.

35 an universal IR.LC approach similar to 00A, but with adaptive tracing, you can also use detail enhancement
good with it. slightly experimental still.

36 similar to 00C, slightly more speed optimized, can be used for simple to medium complex animations.

Hint: Please note that ALL IR-lC or IR-BR based modes can be used for the multiframe incremental camera animations mode which is extremely fast and cannot flicker by definition (is fully baked GI).